why the unions are counting on Saturday’s mobilization for the continuation of the social movement

For the first time since the beginning of the mobilization against the government’s reform project, the unions called for demonstrations on a Saturday, during school holidays.

Four in a row for the social movement against pension reform: after January 19, January 31 and February 7, the unions called for a new national day of action, Saturday February 11. For the inter-union, still opposed to the government bill currently being debated in the National Assembly, it is a question of mobilizing new protesters and regaining the crowds of the first processions in January, before two new national initiatives, the 7 and March 8. Franceinfo explains why this day is of particular importance in the current mobilization.

Because it’s the first Saturday of mobilization

This is the first time since the start of the movement against pension reform that the unions have organized weekend demonstrations. With this meeting given on a Saturday, the unions hope to rally to them those who cannot afford to strike during the week and lose a day’s wages.

The desire of professional organizations is also to federate “particularly animated, festive, family processions, to give a joyful tone to the social movement”assures franceinfo Yvan Ricordeau, “Mr. pensions” of the CFDT. “The objective is to have people in the street with whom we have no contact”also defends Céline Verzeletti, confederal secretary of the CGT. “This also overlaps with calls from the political field, including La France insoumise, which organizes its days of mobilization on Saturdays”, adds Pierre Rouxel, lecturer at Rennes 2 University and specialist in trade unionism.

Because the school holidays have started

In addition to being set for a Saturday, this fourth day of mobilization comes as zone B begins its winter vacation, a week after zone A. “That’s a few fewer people, potentially”, concedes Céline Verzeletti. For opponents of the government bill, the challenge is also to retain public support. So far, the latter is favorable to the social movement, as evidenced by several polls released over the past month.

“We observe the internalization of the idea by the trade unions, even the most dissenting, of the need to keep public opinion on its side.”

Pierre Rouxel, trade union specialist

at franceinfo

As such, the slogan is centered on demonstrations and much less on strikes. “The goal is not to cause as much hassle as possible” for departures and returns from vacation, assures Yvan Ricordeau, for whom “public opinion is an element of strength” in a long-lasting battle. Several sectors should however resort to strike action, as at the RATP, but without “significant impact”specifies the Parisian management at Point. SNCF, it is not affected by strike calls.

Because the last day of action was a little less followed

The third day of action, Tuesday, mobilized a little less than the previous ones, with 757,000 people in the street according to the Ministry of the Interior, against “nearly two million” according to the organizers. A week earlier, these same sources mentioned 1.27 million and “more than 2.5 million” of protesters. The challenge for the unions is therefore not to experience a further setback, “even if the figures remain impressive”according to Pierre Rouxel.

In any case, the power stations show relative confidence. “We are not very worried about Saturday. But will it be at the level of January 31? It’s not sure”anticipates Céline Verzeletti.

“If we are at 2 million, it will still be a very high level, which means that the movement is not running out of steam.”

Céline Verzeletti, confederal secretary of the CGT

at franceinfo

“With all those who will come on Saturday and who did not come today, we will be well over January 31”had for his part bet Philippe Martinez, secretary general of the CGT, before the parade on Tuesday.

Because the unions are preparing the next few weeks

Faced with the risk of the mobilization running out of steam, the inter-union will present its battle plan for the rest of the events at the end of the morning, during a press conference organized at the Bourse du Travail in Paris. “Saturday comes to close the first cycle of major mobilizations”summarizes Pierre Rouxel.

And the various centers involved have already marked several dates in the social agenda for the coming weeks: a new mobilization is planned for Thursday February 16, before a day of action on March 7, after the end of the school holidays. A specific initiative on March 8, in connection with International Women’s Day, is also under consideration, according to the CFTC.

In the eyes of the trade unions, the mobilization must gain momentum “when the text will arrive in the Senate, at the beginning of March. That’s how things start to be discussed between us”, explains Yvan Ricordeau. And while Philippe Martinez called for strikes “harder” And “more massive”a more intense movement is looming. “In addition to the demonstrations, there will have to be a big grain of sand in the economic machine”supports Céline Verzeletti. “The more time passes, the more the idea that demonstrations of force must lead the government to back down will be questioned within the intersyndicale”concludes Pierre Rouxel.

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