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The price of stamps increases again on Saturday January 1. As the French send less and less mail, La Poste must compensate for the losses in order to maintain its balance.
The price of stamps increases as of Saturday January 1. An increase of 4.7% on average, which does not please all French people. “It’s a good increase. We will send fewer letters, what do you want me to tell you?“, resigned a woman, met by the teams of France Televisions. The green stamp now costs 1.16 euros, or 8 cents more than in 2021, and a red stamp 1.43 euros, an increase of 15 cents .
In ten years, stamp prices have soared: + 138% for the red stamp, used for priority letters, and + 103% for the green stamp. The objective is often the same, that of balancing the post and telecommunications budget. La Poste must compensate for the losses linked to the drastic drop in the number of letters. The French indeed send less each year. Faced with this observation, La Poste will even consider removing the red stamps, letters delivered within 24 hours. The service, too expensive, is also too polluting.
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