The Melun prosecutor sent an indictment of around twenty pages Monday evening to the lawyers of Pierre Palmade and the victims. The actor is referred to the criminal court after the accident he caused in February 2023.
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The Melun prosecutor is calling for a trial for “aggravated homicide and involuntary injuries” in the Pierre Palmade case, franceinfo learned from consistent sources on Monday January 4. The actor is referred to the criminal court to be judged after the serious accident he caused on February 10, 2023 in Seine-et-Marne.
The prosecutor’s analysis in his indictment of around twenty pages addressed to the lawyers of Pierre Palmade and the victims that Franceinfo was able to consult goes against jurisprudence. According to the Court of Cassation, the highest court, for a baby to have a legal existence, it must be born alive and viable.
The key question of the fetus
According to experts, in the Palmade case, the fetus carried by the passenger of the car hit by that of the comedian was not born alive, even if its heart beat a few times. Not having officially lived, the baby cannot therefore be the victim of homicide. But the Melun prosecutor maintains that according to the same experts, without the accident, the fetus would have been born alive.
The magistrate therefore considers that the accident is the only cause of death and that as such, he writes in an extract from the indictment that franceinfo was able to consult, “all this deserves a debate before the trial court“, that is to say the court.
It is the investigating judge who will decide, knowing that Pierre Palmade risks in any case a trial for involuntary injuries since three people were seriously injured in this accident that he caused.