why the mass killings do not stop in the United States?


France 2

Article written by

D.Schlienger, A.Lay, Y.Moine @RevelateursFTV, N.Berthelot – France 2

France Televisions

Tuesday, May 24, another shooting took place in the state of Texas, in the USA. Mass killings are on the rise in America.

The scenario repeats itself inexorably: in 2012, in Connecticut (United States), 28 deaths, including 20 children lost their lives. Already a mad shooter, already a primary school, already tears: those of the families and those of the then president, Barack Obama. Ten years later, nothing has changed. There are more mass shootings in the United States than days in the year, with 111 people dying every day. Tuesday evening, May 24, the Democratic senator from Connecticut once again asked his fellow citizens to listen to him, and to supervise the sale and carrying of arms.

The right to carry a weapon is constitutional in the United States, it is the famous second amendment. A particularly difficult right to restrict, especially since the very powerful NRA, the arms lobby, keeps watch. It is the largest network in the United States. It multiplies advertising spots and finances political campaigns.

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