why the investigation is oriented towards revenge against the Moon sect

While relatives of the former Japanese Prime Minister took part in a funeral vigil in Tokyo on Monday July 11, and on the eve of his funeral, the suspect’s profile and motivations become clearer. Three days after the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, new elements appear on the alleged killer. According to the police, he assured that his motivations were not political but related to personal reasons.

Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, “resented a certain organization” and had decided to kill Shinzo Abe, Friday, July 8. He thought that the former Prime Minister was a member of the Moon sect, and resented this one because she would have obtained important gifts from her mother, putting their own family in great financial difficulty.

The mother of the man accused of murdering Shinzo Abe is a member of the Unification Church, this organization, also known as the Moon sect, confirmed on Monday July 11. According to its president, Tomihiro Tanaka, the suspect’s mother joined this cult in 1998. The organization learned that she had found herself in great financial difficulty around 2002, Tomihiro Tanaka told a press conference.

“Shinzo Abe was never a member of our religious organization, nor was he an adviser to it,”

A leader of the Moon sect


Various documents circulate on the internet showing that Shinzo Abe supported the actions of another organization, close to the Moon sect. But there is no direct link assures a person in charge of the religious structure. “Former Prime Minister Abe sent a message for another organization which is the Universal Peace Federatione”, assures this leader of the Moon sect.

Tetsuya Yamagamithe alleged assassin of the former Prime Minister, therefore wanted revenge on the Unification Church when Shinzo Abe had sent a message to the Federation for Universal Peace. I think the suspect did not differentiate between the two organizations, saw them as one block, because they have the same founders“said one of the leaders of the Moon sect. This official also stressed that his organization was horrified by the assassination of the former Japanese Prime Minister. In a statement published on Saturday, the Unification Church expressed his “shock and grief“in the face of the death of Shinzo Abe, describing him as a”globally respected Japanese statesman active in building peace in Asia.

The Unification Church was founded in 1954 in South Korea by Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012). A very controversial figure who became a billionaire thanks to the vast economic empire built by his Church, Moon claimed to have had a vision of Jesus Christ at the age of 15, urging him to continue his mission so that humanity reaches a stage of purity. “without sinThe organization claimed in 2012 that it had three million followers worldwide.

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