why the guest list turns into a diplomatic puzzle

Official delegations flock to London on Sunday, September 18, on the eve of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. For this historic event, 2,000 guests will gather at Westminster Abbey. Prior to this ceremony, King Charles III is holding a major diplomatic meeting at the end of the day on Sunday, in the presence in particular of the US President Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron. On the occasion of these last tributes paid to the sovereign holder of the record for the longest reign – 70 years. London has momentarily become the center of the world. A world also made of tensions, wars and sensitivities. Franceinfo returns to the reasons that make this event a diplomatic headache.

Because Russia is indignant at not being invited

After the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, neither Russia nor the dictator’s Belarus Alexander Lukashenkowill only be represented at this historic ceremony. “We consider this British attempt to use the national tragedy that has touched the hearts of millions around the world for geopolitical purposes to settle scores with our country. […] as deeply immoral“Lamented in a statement on Friday, the spokeswoman for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova. “This is particularly blasphemous with respect to the memory of Elizabeth II”, she added, calling the invasion of Ukraine aand “pretext” not to invite a Russian leader.

According The Guardianthe Kremlin was particularly unhappy to learn that even North Korea had received an invitation to send a representative (from the embassy, ​​not a North Korean leader).

But while London actively supports kyiv, notably supplying arms to the Ukrainian forces, Moscow had anticipated this diplomatic rejection, ensuring that it had no intention of moving. And this, even if Vladimir Putin received his invitation card: “The option [d’un déplacement du président à Londres] is not considered”said his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, on Friday.

Symbolically showing support for Kyiv, British authorities have invited the Ukrainian president’s wife, Olena Zelenska, the tabloid reports. The Sun (link in English).

Because Syria, Burma, Venezuela and Afghanistan are not on the list

These four countries were purely and simply snubbed, along with Russia and Belarus. And for good reason, there are no diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Venezuela, nor with Syria. Burma, a former British colony, fell to the military after a coup in February 2021. In August of the same year, Afghanistan fell under the control of the Taliban.

Other leaders, like those of Nicaragua, Iran and North Korea were not invited either. But the diplomatic representations in the United Kingdom of these countries received their little card, explained The Telegraph (link in English, for subscribers)Wednesday.

Because the diplomatic relationship with the Chinese representatives is delicate

Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan will attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Saturday. This invitation, finally addressed to the special representative of President Xi Jinping, comes after an affront for the official Chinese delegation sent to London: Thursday, the speaker of the House of Commons, Lindsay Hoyle, prohibited them from entering the precincts of Parliament , in Westminster Hall, where the Queen’s coffin rests. The reason given? Sanctions taken by China against British parliamentarians who had proposed a motion describing Beijing’s treatment of Uyghurs as “genocide”.

This diplomatic quack illustrates a division between, on the one hand, the British Parliament, which is responsible for access to Westminster Hall, and the government, which manages the guest list at Westminster Abbey, a few meters away, explains Politico (link in English). Wang Qishan will therefore attend the funeral “at the invitation of the British government”less harsh than the deputies in his position vis-à-vis Beijing. On Friday, Mao Ning, spokesman for Chinese diplomacy, said that the United Kingdom “should show both diplomatic courtesy and a warm welcome”.

Finally, on the grounds that there are no official relations between Taiwan, an island over which the Chinese power claims sovereignty, and the United Kingdom, none of its representatives was invited. However, the two countries maintain “close unofficial relations”emphasizes the South China Morning Post (in English). The newspaper reports that the representative of Taiwanese diplomacy in London was “specially invited” to sign the book of condolences made available to the dignitaries.

Because the arrival of the Saudi prince Mohammed Ben Salmane revives the Kashoggi scandal

Expected from Sunday in London, Mohammed Ben Salman should not take part in the ceremony. The presence of the Saudi prince on the occasion of this funeral is strongly criticized by activists who denounce the non-respect of human rights within the Saudi kingdom. They point in particular to the responsibility of the statesman in the assassination of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, in 2018. Implicated in declassified documents from the CIA, the prince denies his involvement in this murder and has since worked to restore his image on the international scene.

“The prince should not be allowed to participate in this mourning, thus sullying the memory of the queen and taking advantage of this mourning to offer himself legitimacy and normalize his presence”commented in The Guardian the murdered journalist’s companion, Hatice Cengiz. To the British daily, she assured that she hoped that “MBS” would be arrested for murder once on British soil.

Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, a London-based activist, quoted by The Los Angeles Times (link in English)deplores in turn that “Authoritarian dictators are using the Queen’s death as an opportunity to burnish their image, while waging increasingly repressive campaigns in their country”. In early August, a 50-year-old Saudi woman was sentenced to 45 years in prison for criticizing the country’s king and crown prince on Twitter.

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