why the French administrative detention centers are singled out by an association for the defense of foreigners

La Cimade denounces the non-respect of their rights, and the conditions of confinement of these people that the French administration wants to deport. We were able to visit, alongside an elected official, the administrative detention center of Mesnil-Amelot, in Seine-et-Marne.

She asserts her right of parliamentary visit. Esther Benbassa, non-registered environmentalist senator, came to survey the people detained at the administrative detention center of Mesnil-Amelot, in Seine-et-Marne. Supported by several deputies and senators, the lawyers of Cimade, an association for the defense of foreigners, have chosen to withdraw from this CRA. “It seems that the food is not enough?”asks the chosen one. “It’s not enough and we can’t bring it back with us to the cell.explains a foreigner, retained in the CRA. You can’t even get coffee or sugar in. When I arrived, I was 84 kilos, now I’m 60 and something.”

>> Immigration: foreigners victims of “abusive” confinement in detention centers, denounces a report

“As I explained, the restoration is not managed by the national police”defends Commissioner Davy Abreu, deputy director of this CRA, the largest administrative detention center in France which can accommodate up to 120 people. “The catering is due to the provider company and therefore, in fact, it is the same trays that arrive in the schools”continues the commissioner. “They are small in the schools, there, they are big guys”reacts Esther Benbassa who doubts that meals for schoolchildren are enough.

This question of restoration creates “tensions and fights every day”says the foreigner who warns about hygiene: “You can go and have a look, I’ll show you the toilets, but I won’t come in. You’re afraid, it’s a horror movie!” “In fact, it’s clogged up every day”, explains the commissioner. However, the toilets that day were spotless, even though officials claim that it was not cleaned on purpose: “How was I to know you were coming today?”

“Our mission no longer makes sense”

But in this center – above which planes from Roissy pass constantly – Cimade also denounces the presence of people normally protected by law, such as a Malian, in France for eight years, and mother of two children born on the ground French : “I have to leave without my children, an 8-year-old girl and a 7-year-old girl. It’s not normal! ordered to leave the territory.”

“I can’t leave without my children, it’s my flesh!”

A Malian detained at the Mesnil-Amelot CRA

at franceinfo

The women's court at the Mesnil-Amelot administrative detention center, March 2, 2023. (AGATHE MAHUET / RADIO FRANCE)

Situations that are unacceptable for La Cimade. “The prefectures no longer examine the situation of people at all before issuing them an Obligation to leave France (OQTF) because they have the backing of a government that is obsessed with making numbers and wants to issue OQTFsdenounces Louise Lecaudey, regional manager of Cimade at the Mesnil-Amelot CRA. We really feel that our mission no longer makes sense because the law is not respected here.” Neither the prefecture of Seine-et-Marne nor the Ministry of the Interior answered our questions. La Cimade would like all of these retention sites to be closed.

Visit with an elected representative of the Mesnil-Amelot CRA – Agathe Mahuet


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