why the birth of Anouchka Delon deeply hurt her brother Anthony

It’s not easy to grow up when you’re the son of a huge star like Alain Delon. This is the harsh reality that Anthony Delon has come up against. In his new book “Between dog and wolf”, Sveva Alviti’s companion opens up like never before about his family history and explains the pain sometimes felt vis-à-vis his illustrious dad. “We may be called Delon, emotional loneliness is a universal theme. This book is not a settling of accounts. There is no hatred or bitterness, but love, even if I hide nothing of the sufferings and injustices that my father was able to make me endure, any more than I spare my mother“, he says.

Today, he and I took a step back. We laid down our arms. I also tell how, in a surge of tenderness, he asked me to take care of his last moments, as I was able to do with my mother.”, he confessed to, about the relations maintained with the former lover of Romy Schneider. “Besides, I suffered more from my mother’s absence than from my father’s. The last years of her life, she returned to her granddaughters. It’s the best gift she gave me“.

Anthony Delon tells how he learned of the birth of his sister Anouchka

In his autobiography, Anthony Delon also returns to the birth of a little sister who was born when he was 26 years old. He explains the unlikely way he learned of his arrival. “I learned it from the radio. I felt excluded, but also destabilized to no longer be an only childhe says today. I admit I felt a form of jealousy. Children, we must reassure them, tell them that we love them.”, continues the one who is 57 years old today.


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