why the ambitions of Edouard Philippe sow discord within the majority

Tensions in high places. This is not the name of the latest political series produced by Netflix, but the atmosphere that reigns on the side of the Elysée since the re-election of Emmanuel Macron. At the heart of the conflict: his former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, determined to take his share of the cake during the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. Even if it means irritating the Head of State.

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Unlike 2017, where the agreements with the MoDem of François Bayrou had been tied without a hitch, Emmanuel Macron must this time deal with a host of parties to secure a majority in the National Assembly. No less than five allied political movements have indeed emerged in five years: Territories of Progress, Progressive Federation and In Common, for the left wing and ecologist of the majority; Horizons and Agir, for its rightmost fringe.

All are now trying to impose their conditions on La République en Marche. Because these formations, some of which play their survival during the legislative elections, dream of forming their own group at the Bourbon Palace. Among the most greedy, we find the party of Edouard Philippe. Aware that the ballot is decisive for the rest of his career and the presidential election of 2027, the former Prime Minister has long eyed 140 constituencies labeled Horizons. A disproportionate ambition in the eyes of Emmanuel Macron’s other partners. Considering themselves aggrieved, representatives of the MoDem have been stepping up to the plate for several days.

“Beyond the fact that Edouard Philippe owes everything to Emmanuel Macron, and that he has a terrible tendency to forget it, he cannot transgress the ‘deal’ that we have all set ourselves together.”

a close friend of François Bayrou

at franceinfo

Among the rules established during discussions with all stakeholders: the obligation to leave priority to the outgoing deputy, when the latter has shown himself “loyal” to the President of the Republic. “And in the event that the incumbent is disqualified for this reason or does not wish to stand again, the candidate of the presidential majority must belong to the same party as the one he intends to succeed, barring exceptions”recalls this frame of the Modem.

Edouard Philippe and his troops do not always respect these conditions. Ronan Loas, referent of Horizons in Brittany and mayor of Ploermel, declared himself a candidate forin the fifth constituency of Morbihan without waiting for the end of the negotiations. “I have my tempo and I have the support of all the local elected officials, who understood that Horizons had a real utility in bringing a majority to Emmanuel Macron”assures the interested party to franceinfo. However, he is in open conflict with Lysiane Métayer, a Territories of Progress candidate supported by Jean-Yves Le Drian, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs. “I hope common sense and moderation will prevail. But I will be a candidate until the end and I will not give in anything”promises Ronan Loas.

Reverse scenario but same consequences in the fourth district of Loiret, where the probable parachuting of Jean-Michel Blanquer goes very badly, according to The Central Republic. Christophe Bouquet, the mayor of Amilly and local representative of Horizons, already saw himself taking advantage of the place left by the deputy LR Jean-Pierre Door, who held this bastion of the right for twenty years. But it was without counting on the intention of Emmanuel Macron to offer a way out of the government to his Minister of National Education.

Tensions have only increased in recent days. Europe 1 even claims that names of birds were pronounced at the Elysée. “No constituency for Horizons, they’re idiots!”, would have launched the president to one of his relatives. Before adding, about Edouard Philippe: “He owes me everything and he thinks we’re equal? ​​He smoked the vapors of the port of Le Havre?”. According to the radio, Emmanuel Macron’s entourage denies these remarks, assuring that “the subject of the Head of State is to bring the country together”.

But an unprecedented feverishness agitates the ranks of the macronie. “These periods of intense negotiations are necessarily tense moments because everyone wants to raise the stakes to have a maximum of deputies. It’s a great classic”testifies Thomas Rudigoz, elected LREM of the Rhône and candidate for his re-election.

A feeling shared by Renaud Muselier, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and support for Emmanuel Macron during the presidential election. “Everyone wants to show the muscles, each time it’s the same struggles of influence”, underlines the former member of the Republicans. But the outgoing head of state won the presidential election on his own and he is therefore the big boss of the negotiations for the legislative elections”.

On the side of Edouard Philippe, we also want to calm things down. Questioned on Tuesday May 3 by several media, the former tenant of Matignon assured that the small sentences about him were only “lapping”. Gilles Boyer, MEP and right arm of the leader of Horizons, adds that “the discussions are going well and that the party is aiming for the constitution, at the very least, of its own group in the Assembly”.

“A lot of people are talking, but it’s not the ones around the table. We really want to find an agreement with President Macron.”

Gilles Boyer, MEP and supporter of Edouard Philippe

at franceinfo

On the other hand, exit the “great political movement of unity and action”, desired by Emmanuel Macron on the evening of the second round of the presidential election. The idea of ​​a single party, which does not please either Edouard Philippe or François Bayrou, seems to have been ruled out. Instead, the majority wants to favor the independence of the different currents, gathered by political group.

We could find there, both at Horizons and in the ranks of LREM, former members of the Republicans disappointed by the bitter defeat of their candidate, Valérie Pécresse. Potential rallies to the presidential majority encouraged by Nicolas Sarkozy in person. According to Le Figarothe former head of state met Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée in all discretion, to talk about the legislative elections. “He wants our current of thought to be represented within the majority”guarantees Renaud Muselier, who criticizes his former political family for being “the only one who didn’t understand that you had to get married to survive”.

Pending the announcement of the candidates invested by LREM, probably at the end of the week, and their official presentation on May 10, the negotiations between the presidential party and its many partners will continue. If an agreement is reached in the constituencies that are still blocked, the Macronists have the possibility of repeating the feat of 2017. Emmanuel Macron and his allies then won 350 seats out of 577, i.e. an absolute majority.

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