Video length: 3 mins.
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Since last summer, attacks against buildings, such as town halls or villas, have become more and more common in Corsica. Concreteization and real estate speculation are denounced by a movement.
In Corsica, buildings under construction, construction machinery, villas and town halls are the target of tags, fires and even attacks. In Appietto (Corse-du-Sud), the inhabitants are sounded after the fire perpetrated against the town hall, Sunday March 26. On the spot, the arsonists registered a tag “beton bast”, which leaves the mayor of the town, François Faggianelli, in incomprehension, since few building permits have been issued. Concreting and real estate speculation are often claimed on the 31 violent actions recorded since the summer of 2022.
Rising property prices
A signature is also affixed, that of the GCC, Corsican clandestine youth, a group created in February 2023. “It’s an organized movement. That doesn’t mean they’re great professionals”, assures André Fazi, political scientist at the University of Corsica. In Pietrosella (Corse-du-Sud), 60% of housing is second homes and property prices have increased by 25% in three years. Land is pre-empted and the mayor wishes to increase the housing tax on these second homes in order to invest in creating other housing.