Why not adopt and save a laying hen from the slaughterhouse in Mauguio?

Anyone can adopt a chicken“Begins Thomas Dano. The founder of the company Poule pour tous details all the same: you must have a garden, so that each poultry can scratch its square meter and a half of earth. All this good advice will be distributed on Sunday April 3 at the store market square in Mauguio (34).

These little red hens thus escape the slaughterhouse to which they were destined. Health regulations and profitability oblige, breeders must part with their chickens after 18 months. Some decide to resell their animals to Poule pour tous, who take care of entrusting them to adoptive families.

However, it will not be a poultry market on Sunday at the Melgorian store Place du Marché. Only the hens that have been reserved will be brought on site. We must therefore do it in advance, insists Thomas Dano. These hens will lay another thousand eggs once in their new home. “So what you have to remember is that it’s 1000 eggs for 5€“concluded the manager.

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