Why nagui must sometimes reframe the teams of “Don’t forget the lyrics”

“Don’t forget the lyrics” celebrates its 15th anniversary. And for the occasion, the biggest karaoke of the PAF has planned some surprises like a duel between Fabien Haimocivi and Magali Ripoll, the two choristers of the show. “I was happy but it’s true that we were very surprised. On the roadmap we had, it was very mysterious. There were things that weren’t very coherent, no one understood anything. It was the surprise for everyone, even the musicians didn’t know it. If I had known in advance, I might have revised a little“, entrusted the singer to our colleagues from Télé Loisirs about this unexpected duo.

At the controls of the game since its beginnings in the 2000s, Nagui spoke to him about the relationship he had with his teams. The opportunity for the host to tell the day when he felt obliged to reframe everyone. “The mea culpa that I could do is that, being surrounded by the best and it’s even, there was only once when I had gathered everyone on the set, the technicians, the musicians and those of the management, and I told them ‘You are the best, you are the best, you are really the ones who do the job best, each in your field, and what we did there today was not good , it was not commensurate with the excellence to which you have accustomed me and I just wanted to tell you that today something did not happen, and which was not pleasant to live‘”, explained the companion of Mélanie Page at the microphone of France Bleu on December 13. Before adding and concluding: “And in fact that’s it, the only time I want to hear that I’m unpleasant is when I’m disappointed by the quality and excellence to which perhaps they have accustomed me too easily […] I blame myself the same when I miss something, when I slip up or I’m not good“.


See also: “Mine is bigger than yours”: Nagui puts the production of “Don’t forget the lyrics” in trouble

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