why Julien Clerc invites himself into the controversy over the actor’s comments on the war in Ukraine!

In recent days, it is the controversy that swells on social networks and in the media. It all started with an interview with Omar Sy given to Le Parisien on the occasion of the release of the film “Tirailleurs”. The actor is questioned about the relationship that the French have with the warlike conflicts that mourn the planet. “ Ukraine was not a crazy revelation for me. As I have family elsewhere, in Africa, I know that there have always been children at war, broken families and parents who lose their children, kids who become orphans. It hasn’t stopped since World War II. I am surprised that people are so affected. Does that mean that when it’s in Africa you are less affected? “, he had declared.

Very quickly, voices were raised against the words of the actor. On BFM TV. Julien Odoul, close to Marine Le Pen, had lamented “the selective outrage of a showbiz starlet“.”Mr. Omar Sy forgets that African wars reach the French“, added the RN deputy from Yonne. On RTL and in the Daily show, the star had wanted to respond to his detractors: “I’m asking a question, I’m not asserting anything, no controversy! Calm down ! I’m wondering ! I don’t know anything about it, I’m not specialized. I am practically not French according to some”.

In his hometown of Trappes, some obviously share the same point of view as the actor. The mayor of the city, Ali Rabeh (Generation. s), questioned by our colleagues from Valeurs Actuelles, says he feels “a form of disgust”in front “this overreaction to totally innocuous and humanist remarks by Omar Sy”. “But if his name had been Julien Clerc, there would never have been this controversy. he added.

Words that made Internet users react, the name of Julien Clerc even being found in Top Tweets. “It’s rowing, it’s rowing, don’t put Julien Clerc in your stories, thank you”, “Bug people, I came close to having a heart attack… seeing Julien Clerc in TT… I thought of the worst”, “If Julien Clerc was born in Senegal to French parents and had said to the Senegalese “you are more affected by the wars in Africa than by the wars in Europe”, there would have been controversy in Senegal.”, can we read on Twitter.


See also: Omar Sy in turmoil: his wife Hélène forced to come out of silence!

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