why is russia resisting sanctions?



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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, European and American sanctions have fallen on Russia almost every month. But do they really work? Live response on the set of France 2 with the journalist Axel de Tarle.

Do the sanctions against Russia really work? It seems that the Russian economy is holding up better than expected.The figures question. We had seen a sharp drop in activity last spring, so after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine“, reports the journalist Axel of Tarlepresent on the set of France 2, Tuesday November 1st.

But now, the figures are much less bad than at the beginning. Manufacturing output in Russia fell by -1.1% in July and August, the decrease was -0.8%which is almost the level of last year.The IMF predicted an 8.5% drop in growth, it has just revised its forecasts and now the IMF only foresees a drop in growth of 3.4%explains the journalist. According to a major survey, this is possible because Russian entrepreneurs have found new suppliers from friendly countries. The time is at manages. Some also pay in Bitcoin.

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