why is infertility on the rise in France?


Video length: 4 min

Health: why is infertility on the rise in France?

Health: why is infertility on the rise in France? – (FRANCEINFO)

Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday January 16 that he wanted to fight against infertility in France. Journalist Luc Brisson explains the reasons for this drop in fertility.

During his press conference on Tuesday January 16, Emmanuel Macron spoke of his wish to revive the birth rate in France. He also warned about the increase in infertility. France is indeed experiencing a decline in the birth rate. In 2022, there were approximately 680,000 births. “This is the lowest figure since World War II“, indicates Luc Brisson, journalist from the “true or false” cell, present on the set of 19/20 info, Wednesday January 17.

One in 30 children conceived with medical assistance

In February 2022, a report from the Ministry of Health indicated that one in four couples are affected by infertility problems. The proportion of children born through medically assisted reproduction has continued to increase since the 1980s.”One in 30 children is conceived with medical assistance“, explains the journalist. The increase in infertility is difficult to quantify.

However, in men, the sperm concentration per milliliter of semen has been halved in 50 years. There are also environmental reasons, such as exposure to endocrine disruptors or pollution. Finally, the average age at which parents have their first child is increasing, which is the main cause of infertility. “We have children later and later, when our bodies become less and less fertile.concludes Luc Brisson.

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