Why is Inès Reg relieved not to have done Pekin Express with her darling Kevin?

In a few days, Beijing Express will return to television. But it is not unknowns, or emblematic candidates who will be on the bill. Several personalities will participate in this new edition, among them, the comedian Inès Reg and her sister Anaïs.

The duo was in Sri Lanka for this extraordinary adventure. “It’s really difficult!”she dropped in her interview with Tele-Leisure. “It’s much harder than what you see on TV! It’s very hot, there’s a language barrier… It’s the most difficult adventure of my life and at the same time the most beautiful thing that I have experienced. And there was no help. Nothing at all!”, she added to our colleagues.

This program allowed him to come to a conclusion: his darling Kevin could not have been his traveling companion.
“Ah, but I don’t recommend that to all couples! The most frequent fights in a couple are in the car and that’s the very essence of Beijing express. Every time I saw Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Valentin Léonard, I thought: ‘Fortunately I didn’t do it with Kevin!’, she admits with humor. Moreover, according to Inès Reg and her sister, Kevin could not have made the adventure. “We told him as soon as we got back that it wouldn’t have been possible”she added.

Beijing Express: shock duos, will start on Wednesday July 6 on M6.

See also: Inès Reg absent from social networks, the comedian breaks the silence and formalizes great news to his admirers!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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