why Emmanuel Macron favors abortion and the end of life over the debate on pensions

In the midst of pension reform, and while a vote on the government project could take place in the Senate this weekend, Emmanuel Macron still seems determined to stay away from these debates, thus preferring major societal issues.

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Announcement of the constitutionalization of the voluntary termination of pregnancy on Wednesday March 8, speech before a dinner on the end of life on Thursday March 9 at the Élysée and without forgetting consultations at all costs on the reform of institutions. Emmanuel Macron is active on several societal projects. A way to drown the fish in full pension reform?

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In politics, this is a well-known strategy, and it’s called opening fires. The Élysée has been repeating the same thing for weeks: pensions cannot be “the alpha and omega of the future of France”. “The role of the president is not to forget the rest”, translates an important adviser. However, including in his own camp, some openly criticize Emmanuel Macron for being obsessed only with his quest for a trace to leave in history.

An obsession until disconnection, others see it above all as a bad way to turn the page on pensions after having avoided the subject for a long time, to move on to something else at all costs. “It reminds me of François Hollande’s strategy with marriage for all, annoys a fellow traveleras soon as we have a difficulty, we put in the societal.” His conclusion is very raw and straightforward: “The French don’t care at all.”

A deliberately unfathomable president?

On the end of life, Emmanuel Macron is rather embarrassed at the corners. Here again, the strategy seems clear: the Head of State listens and consults in the expectation of being able to make his honey. This will still be the case Thursday evening at the table at the Élysée, with representatives of cults and several intellectuals. There is little chance that Emmanuel Macron will launch into big announcements. Mainly because the citizens’ convention on the end of life, which he himself called for, is not over. His report is also expected on April 2, but is the president embarrassed or deliberately unfathomable, determined to take his time, it’s hard to say.

An Emmanuel Macron who – although raised among the Jesuits – said he was ready during the last presidential campaign, for an evolution towards the Belgian model, where euthanasia is perfectly legal. In September 2022, he promised Line Renaud a change in the law, but in the fall, during a trip to Rome, he changed course and assured the Pope that he would not “anything”. Here again, it is a macronist who is in despair: “On this subject like others, the president has no conviction.”

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