Why does Sandra Bullock suddenly put her career on hold?

Actress Sandra Bullock will put her career on hold to be closer to her children. Indeed, the Oscar winner told entertainment tonight that she wanted to be”in the place that makes her the happiest“that is, at her house.

I take things very seriously when I work, I have a 24/7 career and there I want to take care of my babies and my family all the time. And that’s what I’ll do for a little while“said the star. As a reminder, Sandra Bullock is a single mother and has adopted her two children, Louis, 12, and Laila, 10. The star of Gravity also took the opportunity to declare that his break would serve him to meet all their needs and manage his own social life. In addition, she spoke about her way of protecting her children during the Covid-19 crisis. “All the parents who know me know that I am a pandemic freak. They know very well that their child will not return home with the virus“joked the star.

Sandra Bullock decided to adopt in 2010 with her ex-husband Jesse Gregory James before they abruptly split the same year after several women claimed to have had an affair with the founder of motorcycle company West Coast Choppers, including a stripper. The divorce was pronounced in June while Sandra Bullock continued the adoption procedure alone. She then had a brief relationship with the photographer Bryan Randall.

Before disappearing from our screens, the star will be in the cast of the action and romantic comedy The Lost city which will be released on April 20 in France. She will share the poster with the star of Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe and of course Channing Tatum whose actress fell in love. “He is so comfortable. He knew it was for a comedy so he didn’t try to be serious” she declared before revealing her weakness for a part of the actor’s anatomy which is particularly visible in the film… “Her buttocks are very smooth, we didn’t need to do any touch-ups, they are like those of a baby.

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