why does Marion Cotillard quite annoy Emmanuel Macron?

At the dawn of the second round of the presidential election, the looming debate between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron focuses mainly on two major themes: purchasing power and pension reform. Ecology, not very present since the start of the campaign, seems to have been somewhat forgotten. And yet, a famous actress did everything to remind the President of the Republic of these issues.

In 2018, the French actress, Oscar winner in 2008 for her role in La Môme, did not hesitate to knock out the ecological policy of the Head of State and his government: “My faith in politics has been really undermined. It’s making promises to have a good image and then not keeping them at all. I find it unbearable“, she had swung in an interview with Parisian. Words that would have greatly annoyed Emmanuel Macron. “She pisses me off Cotillard“, would have struck the President of the Republic to Jean-Marc Dumontet, producer of shows and close to the husband of Brigitte Macron. A scene described in the book The traitor and nothingness (Fayard editions) written by journalists Fabrice Lhomme and Gérard Davet.

Marion Cotillard, a star who is committed to the planet

Marion Cotillard is one of the first French actresses to have campaigned for the protection of the environment, and that long before becoming an international star. An unwavering supporter of Greenpeace for twenty years, the actress has concretized her commitment through a civic gesture by producing the documentary by Flore Vasseur, Bigger Than Uswhich was released on September 22, 2021. “This film seems essential to me, because it can provoke the spark in certain spectators, make them want to act on their scale”, she pleaded in Cannes, where the film was presented in the new selection Cinema for the climate.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Marion Cotillard: the actress recruited as the new chef by Jean Imbert!

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