Why does Emmanuel Macron only sleep 4 hours a night?

If he already did not sleep much at night, these last weeks must be synonymous with sleepless nights for the President of the Republic. Between his management of the crisis in Ukraine, the government of France and the presidential elections, Emmanuel Macron has little time to rest. Reputed to be very dynamic, the husband of Brigitte Macron would be even at night, according to an old article from the Express. The President would need few hours of sleep to feel fully rested. SMS sent late, night meetings and many more, Emmanuel Macron is always in action. “I’ve known him since 2009. He sleeps very little and maintains this pace effortlessly”had also confirmed one of his relatives, quoted by the weekly.

It is not without reason that Emmanuel Macron has decided to take on a young team at his side, for whom working at night poses no problem. The ministers and other collaborators of the candidate president had to quickly get used to his three to four hour nights. Those who have young children manage to leave early in order to put them to bed, and then come back to work, our colleagues had said. “This President Never Sleeps”, would have even launched a minister in Lyon, while the Franco-Italian summit continued into the night. Édouard Philippe’s chief of staff, Benoît Ribadeau-Dumas, “departs between midnight and one o’clock” in the morning. Small bonus for the Matignon teams, “when he allows himself to leave at 11 p.m., it’s Saturday!”affirmed The Express.

No more than 3 to 4 hours of sleep!

A healthy habit for Emmanuel Macron, who already arrived very early in the National Assembly, when he was then Minister of the Economy. “He sometimes left the Assembly at 7 a.m., after a night of work on his ‘growth and activity’ law”, says a source. During his first presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron was very active during the night. His wife, Brigitte Macron, was responsible for “press the team so as not to overload the boat”. One thing is certain, the days of Emmanuel Macron are busy.

See also: 5 things to know about Emmanuel Macron

Helene Bardeau

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