“Why do you always take it to the same point?” Anne Hidalgo asks Christophe Castaner about retirement at 65




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The socialist candidate, mayor of Paris, was the guest of the program “Elysée 2022”, Thursday evening, on France 2.

“It’s an obsession.” On the set of “Elysée 2022” on France 2, Thursday March 17, Ihe socialist candidate for the presidential election, Anne Hidalgo, reacted strongly to Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to gradually postpone the legal retirement age, up to 65 years old.

“Why do you always take it out on the same people so much?” launched the mayor of Paris to the president of the group La République en Marche in the National Assembly, Christophe Castaner, with whom she debated. “These women who work in nursing homes, who are really worn out by a job that is difficult with very low wages, have a lower life expectancy than yours and mine”she added. “A number of them are not really sure they can do it, to take advantage of this other time in life that social protection enshrines, this social protection system that many countries have envied us. ” Anne Hidalgo also cited the case of the middle classes and workers.

“How you, Christophe Castaner, can you join a project which consists in systematically, methodically destroying all these social conquests carried by deputies, elected representatives of the left, unions?”, subsequently launched the mayor of Paris in the face of the former socialist. “How can you justify that it could be an ambition shared by the French?

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