Why do some manual therapists prescribe so many sessions?

Guillaume Douet, osteopath in Vienne, is annoyed by what he sometimes reads on social networks, on which he is present, he specifies, but he does not tell potential patients “come and come back as soon as you are in pain” . Important note: there is no question of physiotherapists who, during their sessions, do exercises for our patients. In physiotherapy: we are actors of our health, since we act alongside the physiotherapist to work and get better.

This is precisely what is lacking in the ready-made solutions of some manual therapists,

it is as if they were telling us: do you have difficulty walking? Well come see me whenever you need to walk, I’ll do that for you. But don’t try to walk without my help.

But when the pain is at its height, we are not in a position either physically or morally to analyze this functioning which is only part of the immediate but does not offer any leads for the future.

However, and this is what is defended by Guillaume Douet and many other practitioners: it is necessary to relieve initially, to restore movement, but also to invite the person to change some habits, to reconsider his little taste for the exercise. physical.

To move“is probably the word Guillaume used the most in this column.

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