Why didn’t she sleep all night?

Since September 14, 2023, Benjamin Castaldi unveils his new project. Indeed, Cyril Hanouna’s ex-columnist staged the romance which took place between Yves Montand and Marilyn Monroe while the singer was in a relationship with the host’s grandmother, Simone Signoret. Baptized Bungalow 21, the son of Jean-Pierre Castaldi chose this title for a specific reason. It represents the room at the Beverly Hills Hotel in which the affair between the French artist and the American star took place.

To bring this story to the stage, the former host of Secret Story And Loft Story chose the sisters Emmanuelle And Mathilde Seigner to respectively play Simone Signoret and Marilyn Monroe. And Benjamin Castaldi perhaps did not choose the actresses by chance. Since one of them has already stayed in the famous Bungalow 21.

Also see: Mathilde Seigner’s cash confidences on her relationship with Benjamin Castaldi

Emmanuelle Seigner knows the famous “Bungalow 21” well

It was during his passage in RTL Good evening thatEmmanuelle Seigner made the revelation this Tuesday, September 19, 2023. Particularly when Marion Calais questioned her on the subject: “Emmanuelle Seigner, it seems that you slept in this famous Bungalow 21 during the filming of the film The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”.

“No, actually it wasn’t during filming”corrected the main interested party before specifying: “It was because the movie was nominated for an Oscar and I was there at the time, and so I had a room that I didn’t like, as always. So I asked to be upgraded and I was put in Marilyn’s bungalow.”. But his night didn’t go as planned. In fact, she “didn’t sleep all night”. “Because it was so powerful for me that I asked for my room again the next day,” she said.

Emmanuelle Seigner assured that sleeping in this room was “beautiful” but “the idea that it was HIS bungalow”was “too strong for her”.


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