why did Elisabeth Borne repeat this sentence during her general policy speech?

Elisabeth Borne knew she was expected around the corner. In her general policy speech, Wednesday July 6, the Prime Minister therefore opted for the strategy of an outstretched hand. In an attempt to sell its priorities to the 577 deputies for the coming five-year term, and above all to make its will more concrete “to enter the era of forces that build together”, the head of government cited, each in turn, the presidents of the different political groups. Except those of the National Rally and La France insoumise. “We talked about it a lot together, Mr President Marcangeli, Mr President Chassaigne”launched Elisabeth Borne in reference to her meetings with all the political representatives of the parliamentary groups a few days earlier.

A “name-dropping” which surprised those concerned at the time, but also at the exit of the Hemicyle. “During our discussion, I would have obviously told her that the Covid-19 epidemic was rising, but in fact, she called us to a meeting of the liaison committee on the matter. So yes, we talked about the epidemic situation , but I assure you that my contribution to the debate will be richer than that”reacted Boris Vallaud, the boss of the socialist deputies, who was arrested by Elisabeth Borne during his speech on the situation of the public hospital.

For Julien Bayou, the co-president of the environmental group in the National Assembly, this desire displayed by the Prime Minister of “to restore meaning to compromised value” do not change anything. “Nothing should be concluded from this. The government continues to deceive”, analyzes the deputy of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts. André Chassaigne, the boss of the communist group, also mentioned by the head of government, prefers to be ironic:

“The little game of quoting some and not others on the basis of alleged republican values ​​is rather childish… but fun.”.

André Chassaigne, PCF MP

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Even on the side of certain deputies of the majority, we did not really understand what was the goal sought by the Prime Minister.

“It does not add much to quote group presidents like that, we do that when we are community president to thank everyone but there … It’s an artifice of speech.”

A member of the majority

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On the side of Matignon, we want to calm things down and remember that there is not necessarily any political tactics behind. “The Prime Minister had the opportunity to say it in her general policy statement: we will be looking for compromise without compromising our values”, explains his entourage. The MoDem, historical partner of macronie, also says “to understand” the intention of the Matignon tenant. “During my interview with Elisabeth Borne, we discussed and raised issues and I felt a great listening on her part”assures Jean-Paul Mattei, the president of the centrist group in the Assembly.

But another problem arises for the parliamentarians of the National Rally and La France Insoumise: the choice of Elisabeth Borne not to cite Marine Le Pen and Mathilde Panot, the group presidents of these two parties. At the RN, several parliamentarians shout at the “discrimination”.

“We are the first political opposition force but Elisabeth Borne decides who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.”


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“She thinks she made the political stunt of the year with her smirk, but I think she was above all right to quote Edith Cresson, because I see the same destiny for her”, tackles this anonymous RN deputy again. At LFI, the criticisms are just as harsh. “I don’t understand this choice. But given that for Gérald Darmanin, we are enemies, that doesn’t surprise me”plague Manuel Bompard, deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône.

“Elisabeth Borne may have felt that with certain groups, there was no listening possible, but I see neither a political sign nor a sign of the marginalization of the RN or LFI.”

Jean-Paul Mattei, president of the MoDem group at the National Assembly

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This decision to exclude these two political families from his speech and therefore the possibility of working with them during the five-year term, Matignon assumes it. The reason: the motion of censure tabled by the left-wing coalition against the government, only half an hour before general policy statement by Elisabeth Borne. “The motion of censure of France insubordinate even before the speech of the Prime Minister was pronounced did not escape you”thus entrusts a political adviser to Matignon.

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