We all asked ourselves this question when we saw how drained we were when we came back from the osteo, so we had to ask one of them: Guillaume Douet. We need clarification on a mystery, because frankly: it’s the therapist doing the work, we feel like we’re being pretty passive.
First, we often consult when we have already been tense for a long time, the body is very contracted, so we have been in overdrive for a long time. As we waited for the last limit to consult, after 45 minutes of consultation, we finally relax. At the time of release, we have a big hit.
Second thing: with each release of movement resulting from the techniques used by osteo, the central nervous system intervenes.
This central nervous system sends a boost with every release of movement. It produces such an accumulation of boosts, that by compensation the central nervous system will make us dive down: towards a big fatigue. And before finding a balance, a certain time will pass.
It also happens that we go from laughter to tears after an osteopathy session, again there is like a phenomenon of a dam which jumps and releases the pressure.
To listen in its entirety to better understand this mysterious fatigue felt.
Thank you Guillaume Douet.