Video length: 3 min
Consumption: why are there more and more product recalls?
Consumption: why are there more and more product recalls?
Food product recalls are becoming more and more common. Tuesday May 21, watermelons from a major brand were the subject of a large-scale recall due to contamination.
A potentially contaminated cheese, a harmful product in Herbes de Provence… Every month, more than 200 foods are subject to a recall in this supermarket. A touchscreen terminal was installed in a store to consult withdrawal notices, because some consumers monitor them closely. The procedure is well-established, according to a store manager, and in the event of an alert, the products concerned are removed from the shelves. Consumers can return them for a refund. The products will then be destroyed. Ultimate protection, recalled products can no longer be sold.
Dairy products and meat are the most recalled products and stores must record everything. The rules have been stricter in recent years, particularly in terms of transparency. As a result, there are more recalls. These recalls are sometimes massive. Contaminated pizza, dangerous chocolate… Recently, several health scandals have pushed manufacturers to carry out more checks because they must ensure the conformity of products and raise the alarm if a problem is detected. Although the authorities also carry out checks, most alerts are reported directly by manufacturers.