why are the prices soaring?


France news

Article written by

S. Lanson, C. de la Guérivière, N. Auer – franceinfo

France Televisions

Giving up fruit and vegetables because they have become too expensive is the forced choice of many families in the face of rising prices for the green section.

From all sources, local or exotic, all fruits and vegetables now have one thing in common: their prices are skyrocketing. In two years, they jumped 9%. On a Parisian market, customers notice this and adapt their purchases. “My average basket, before, it was more around 40, 50 euros and there, I’ve been going above 60 euros for a few weeks”says a Parisian.

How to explain such an increase? First, because of the vagaries of the weather. For Jean-Claude Guehennec, market gardener and spokesperson for the National Union of Vegetables of France, each year, it is partly the weather that sets the price of his cabbage. “It’s cold, there are fewer products, we have losses”, he summarizes. The Covid-19 pandemic has also changed everything. For the past two years, production costs have continued to rise, from the electricity bill to logistics.


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