why are the guests of Léa Salamé and Hugo Clément’s new show controversial?

France Télévisions has decided to continue to mobilize its programs in order to alert viewers and make them aware of environmental issues and the imperative need to preserve our planet. On Tuesday, November 8, the channel will broadcast “Aux Arbres Citoyens!”, a live event program presented by Léa Salamé and Hugo Clément. The two hosts will be surrounded by prestigious guests such as Marion Cotillard or Yannick Noah, committed artists who have often spoken out to defend the environmental cause.

But according to some Internet users, the actress and the singer would not necessarily be the best placed to talk about ecology. In question ? Their way of life which would cause a lot of environmental damage. “Yannick Noah, Marion Cotillard who know absolutely nothing about trees and forests and who live in multiple countries, very often flying over the oceans. REALLY ????”, “Marion Cotillard is it a Hugo joke?”, “Too bad, you’re discrediting the event”, “Frankly Cotillard as a godmother is it a joke? !”, “#Marion Cotillard will she talk to us from her villa in LA about her carbon footprint? Ecology is a serious subject“, can we read on Twitter.

Despite these criticisms, Marion Cotillard has always described herself as committed and green. For the French actress, the film industry is a sector that is turning more and more towards ecology. “When I started filming, at the end of the day, there were bins full of unrecycled cups”she explains during an interview granted, on the occasion of the Cannes Film Festival 2022, to our colleagues from Brut. “I grumbled a lot, and it was still a time when people who were indignant were taken for weird people”, confided the actress. Today, the French star explains that “every production strives to have a positive action”.


To see also: Marion Cotillard inconsolable: his half is defending himself under his eyes!

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