Why and how to insulate your house?

Information with Aurélien Baumard, advisor France Renov’

Insulate the attic of your home

  • A significant part of the heat (25 to 30% in an uninsulated house) is lost through the roof. Indeed, the warm air, lighter, rises and escapes from the top. Attic insulation is therefore important to retain this heat in the house.
  • Good insulation allows you to limit heat loss. Because warm air is lighter than cold air, heat moves to the roof of your home.
  • With attic insulation, you can reduce heat loss in your home by up to 30%.


Interior wall insulation

Why insulate your walls?

Insulating the walls of your home allows you to save money on your energy bill. With well-insulated walls, your house experiences less heat loss and therefore consumes less energy to be heated to the same temperature. Insulating the walls of your home is effective all year round. In winter, it allows you to maintain a better temperature in your home and to gain in comfort by avoiding the “cold wall” effect. In summer, it keeps the air fresh in your home. Wall insulation not only helps to fight against heat loss, but also generates, depending on the insulation chosen (flexible, not compacted during installation), better sound insulation in your home. Noise pollution from outside is reduced, improving the feeling of comfort and preserving your privacy. ·

How to insulate your walls from the inside?

Interior wall insulation can be done at your own pace, room by room. However, it can lead to a reduction in the living space of your home. The exterior appearance of your house will not be modified, which will avoid certain administrative procedures. There is a wide choice of insulating materials (mineral or vegetable wool, rigid polystyrene panels, etc.) for the interior insulation of the walls of your house. The performance of the material will mainly depend on its thickness and density.

Exterior wall insulation

Insulating the walls from the outside has the advantage of not reducing the interior volume of the rooms, of limiting the number of thermal bridges thanks to better continuity of the insulation and of allowing you to stay at home during the work. . However, it requires specific permissions if it changes the exterior appearance of your home. The external insulation of the walls can be carried out in two ways:

o The first consists of laying down an insulating material (mineral or vegetable wool) then covering it with two coats of render.

o The second leans on a cladding. In this case, a frame fixed to the exterior wall serves as a support for the insulation. The insulation is protected from the weather by a rainscreen and siding.

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