wholesaler Metro forced to ration sunflower oil



France 2

Article written by

O.Poncelet, A.Richier, A.Guin, R.Chapelard, B.Girodon, J.-C.Lambard – France 2

France Televisions

The war in Ukraine leads to a shortage of sunflower oil. Large Metro stores have implemented rationing for their customers.

80% of the world’s sunflower oil comes from Russia or Ukraine. In the event of a sharp rise, some consumers are ready to change their habits. “We’re going to use olive oil, and that’s it“, smiles a man. If the shortage does not yet affect the supermarkets, at the wholesaler Metro, where restaurateurs come to stock up, it is time for rationing: no more than 50 liters per customer.We have supply problems. (…) We receive them drop by drop, (…) which means that we lack oil“, explains Laurence Rouiller, director of the Metro d’Anglet, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

In Cagnes-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes), a restaurateur has already stocked up. He uses 25 liters of it every day to prepare fries, fish and chips and donuts for his three restaurants. “For 20 liter cans, we went from 39 [euros] to 42.25 euros in eight, ten days. And we were told it wasn’t over“, he confides. In stores, the price of “first price” oils has increased by almost 4% in one month.

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