This unforgettable stay may be for you…Thanks to FBBM and Comtois
Set on a hill overlooking Colroy-la-Roche, this refined spa hotel offers an enchanting break in the heart of Alsatian nature.
Enjoy a moment out of time in a warm suite. Enjoy an excellent gourmet dinner in the hotel’s magnificent upscale restaurant. Discover the rejuvenating world filled with pure water, light and warmth of “Nature-Spa
” de la Cheneaudière. 2500m2 dedicated to well-being and rest, with 4 swimming pools, 5 saunas, 1 large hammam-beehive, a wooden bath, a micro-bubbling beach, sensation showers…Ahhhh it makes you dream and if you tried to make it become a reality?
La Chenaudiere
You just have to participate…
Between 11 a.m. and 11:45 just have to dial the 03 84 22 82 82 to register and take part in the Comtois Render You game.
Once you have registered, stay close to the phone, it might ring! Answer as many questions as possible in 1 minute and try, or not, the “Neni my faith” question, which will allow you to double your points if your answer is correct, or unfortunately to divide them by 2 if it is wrong. Every day, a France Bleu gift to be won, and on Friday, a draw designates the winner of all the winners for “THE SUPER GIFT”!