Who will win the humor prize this year?



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2 min

Politics: who will win the political humor prize this year?

The political humor prize will be awarded at the beginning of December. Anthology. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – G.Daret

France Televisions

The political humor prize will be awarded at the beginning of December. Anthology.

It’s a little quiz, while the political humor prize must be awarded at the beginning of December. Who said : “If you think you have to be a playboy in France to be elected, I still have some counter-examples” ? Édouard Philippe, when he talked about his alopecia and his eyebrows which have fallen out in recent months. Second sentence: “Madame Borne’s government is as expert in justice as I am an expert in slimming diets”. Xavier Bertrand, who therefore has humor.

“We knew the Puy du Fou, now we have the Fou du Puy!”

Third sentence: “It is not enough to subscribe to Pif to know the government’s intentions. You must also subscribe to Playboy”. It was about the presence of Marlène Schiappa in this magazine. Fabien Roussel! The last : “We knew the Puy du Fou, now we have the Fou du Puy!”. Éric Piolle, the environmentalist mayor of Grenoble (Isère), who uttered this sentence with regard to Laurent Wauquiez, who wants to remove his region from the Zero net artificialization system.

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