Who will form a coalition government?


Video length: 2 min

2024 legislative elections: who will form a coalition government?
The hypothesis of a coalition, at the end and depending on the results of the second round of the legislative elections, is gaining ground. But who could compose it?

The hypothesis of a coalition, at the end and depending on the results of the second round of the legislative elections, is gaining ground. But who could compose it?

As the second round of legislative elections approaches, the idea of ​​a coalition is gaining ground in the center, on the left and the right. Under what conditions? The environmentalists do not want to make any compromises. “I have a program, the program of the New Popular Front”hammers Marine Tondelier, the party’s secretary general. In the center, François Bayrou called on Republicans and Democrats to work together. The president of the MoDem also calls for “civil peace” and to “appeasement”.

As for the Insoumis, the majority does not plan to include them. The hand is however extended to François Ruffin. “The official rebels do not want to participate in this coalition, and there are too many differences on a certain number of values. On the other hand, Mr. Ruffin who is leaving the rebels, the social democrats, the humanist right, the central forces can put themselves first on a few major issues,” said Pierre-Yves Bournazel, the secretary general of Horizons, delegate to the elections. Finally, on the Republican side, Xavier Bertrand seems more doubtful.

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