Who will emerge victorious from this lying poker game?

It is a text that is both important and very symbolic: the new five-year term begins with the purchasing power bill. And he is expected by the French. The government itself will have to be extremely attentive to the economic and political fallout from these measures.

>> Fuel allowance, “food voucher”, pensions… What to remember from the package of government measures for purchasing power

On Monday, Emmanuel Macron asked his ministers to protect the French: he spoke of a quasi-war economy in France. Inflation hits 6% and counting. With the repercussions of the conflict in Ukraine, the permanent tensions with Russia, the sanitary cordon also around certain Chinese cities, the rise in interest rates, questions weigh on growth. The objective of these measures in favor of purchasing power, already considered insufficient by the opposition, is to make it possible to attenuate the shock for the French and to reduce the specter of recession by supporting consumption.

Will the government be able to implement its policy of compromise?

Olivier Véran, the government spokesman, explains that the government’s course is a permanent action in search of compromise. However, there is no question of debating and, a fortiori, to take up the main proposals of the opposition, such as a Smic at 1500 euros for and the revaluation of the index point of civil servants for the partners of Nupes, the blocking of gasoline prices or the reduction of charges on salaries, as claimed by the right. Elisabeth Borne has no intention of taking up these proposals, which are considered far too expensive.

In terms of compromise, it’s more like lying poker: not really outstretched hands. But then how does the government intend to pass its text? With this lying poker game, it will be difficult for the opposition to vote: how to express themselves against the revaluation of social benefits?

But the opposition is not suicidal: Marine Le Pen has understood this well. While judging the text imperfect, she already indicated that the 89 deputies of the RN … would vote for it. It now remains to be seen whether the government’s measures will be sufficient in the eyes of the French. Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for a “march against the high cost of living” at the start of the school year, Fabien Roussel calls on all French people to mobilize. The government’s position therefore remains very fragile and the battle of public opinion uncertain. Because in terms of purchasing power the French still believe that the account is not there.

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