Who will be the strongest man in the Morvan?

It’s a tradition. Since 1997, the athletics club of Etang-sur-Arroux, in Soane et Loire, has been looking for the strongest man in the Morvan. The moment of an afternoon, who will manage to pull a tractor, move a 300 kg tire or push a wheelbarrow. Since 2017, this rural meeting has become a round of the French championship for strong men.
Because the strongman is a sport in its own right, which combines extraordinary physical and mental steel. On the menu: work, rigor, and abnegation.

David Monticelli, 41, from Le Creusot, will challenge his title this Sunday, June 5.

International competition in Sens

open international in Sens

Chance of the calendar, this same weekend, the square of the cathedral of Sens will welcome Pierre MOTAL, the strongest man of France for a competition gathering 10 European athletes. In the program:

  • The carrier: The athlete must lift and walk a distance of 20m as quickly as possible with a metal frame of 450 KG resting on his shoulders.
  • “Tire Flip”: This involves flipping a tire weighing 450 KG twice in a row, then a 600 KG tire twice in a row.
  • “Dead lift”: A bar is loaded at 340 KG and the athlete will have to perform as many deadlifts as possible in 1mn30sec.
  • Shoulder test: This involves lifting a 115 kg concrete block above the head, a 140 kg barbell and finally a 90 kg dumbbell with one arm.
  • Atlas stones: This involves lifting concrete balls from the ground and placing them high up. 1 ball of 110 KG at 1.60m, then one of 125 KG at 1.40m, one of 145 KG at 1.30m, one of 165 KG at 1.30m to finish with a ball of 190 KG at 1.30m.
  • Finally, the last test: the truck draw (heavy goods vehicles).

Guests of 100% Sport

  • Régis Fouillet, organizer of the strongest man in the Morvan
  • David Monticelli, winner of the 2019 edition
  • Pierre Motal, the strongest man in France

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