who will be the big winner of the first edition of the show broadcast on France.tv Slash?

La Grande Dame, Paloma or Soa de Muse…. Which queen of the night will be crowned the title of best drag queen in Gaul? TV competition fans Drag Race FranceFrench adaptation of the American show RuPaul Drag Race, will have the answer tonight at 8 p.m. on the France.tv Slash streaming platform. After eight weeks of competition, the first season of the reality show ends this Thursday August 11, 2022. The colorful show will be rebroadcast on France 2, Saturday August 13 in the second part of the evening, just after Fort- Boyard.

For the grand finale, La Grande Dame, Paloma and Soa de muse will have to make the show on a piece of the American drag queen and singer RuPaul (real name RuPaul André Charles).

Since June 25, ten French drag queens have been competing in singing, comedy, dancing and modeling contests. At the end of each show, an elimination progressively reduces the number of candidates. Three of them are still in contention for the final. Franceinfo Culture makes the presentations.

The Grande Dame from Nice is aptly named, from the top of her meter ninety-seven, she is the most followed queen on the networks.

For her part, Paloma, a drag queen from Clermont-Ferrand whose eponymous short film was broadcast on France 3, performs alone or with her troupe in Parisian cabarets.

As for Soa de Muse, originally from Martinique and now established in Seine-Saint-Denis, she has been performing for ten years all over France and has her own Queer cabaret in Paris, The mouth, with three other artists.

The program is presented by Nicky Doll, a French drag queen who participated as a contestant in season 12 of the equivalent American show, hosted by RuPaul. On the French side, host Daphné Bürki and DJ Kiddy Smile, an LGBT+ figure known to the general public for having given a concert at the Elysée during the Fête de la Musique in 2018, support Nicky Doll in the presentation.

In a light and very festive tone, the show also echoes more
serious, such as discrimination. A France Télévisions laboratory dedicated to 15-35 year olds, France TV Slash mainly deals with LGBT+ themes, ecology, feminism or diversity, which has sometimes led to it being accused of “wokist” by certain detractors.

Created in 2009 in the United States, RuPaul’s flagship show has already spawned some twelve adaptations around the world. France could not ignore the phenomenon. The France 2 channel had broadcast the first episode on June 25, 2022 in the second part of the evening, the day of the start of its broadcast on France TV Slash, for whom the program was first intended.

The program achieved an encouraging audience score for this late time slot, with 914,000 viewers (11.6% audience share) according to figures from Médiamétrie. Faced with the audience success, the channel decided to broadcast the entire of the season every Saturday, after the Fort Boyard show, around midnight.

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