Video length: 2 min.
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Benjamin Haddad was killed in Djerba, Tunisia, Tuesday, May 9, during the attack on the synagogue. Aged 42, he was the father of four children and had just bought a bakery in Marseille, where the emotion is very strong.
Killed in the middle of a pilgrimage, Benjamin Haddad was from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), and worked in a bakery. He was 42 years old, and was the father of four children. Every evening, the fruit and vegetable seller who worked opposite collected his unsold bread for free. “He’s a good person, he’s a super nice person, he’s super generous, he helps everyone.” he confides. Another shopkeeper cries “a good neighbor“.
Tribute Thursday, May 11 in Marseille
A hairdresser depicts a deep and kind man. “Leaving like that is horrible. (…) Really, it’s the joy of living, this boy“, she said. The other civilian victim was the Tunisian cousin of Benjamin Haddad. Michel Cohen Tenoudji, the president of the Israelite concistory of Marseille, deplores an anti-Semitic act. “It is the Jewish community of the world, the Jewish community of France, and more particularly the Jewish community of Marseilles which is affected by this drama.“, he said. A tribute will be paid on the evening of Thursday, May 11 in Marseille by the Jewish community.