Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind

We must all, of course, deplore this assassination attempt against Mr. Trump today, regardless of our opinion of the man. Violence will always and under all circumstances be… unacceptable! Totally unacceptable!

However, I still say this to myself:

If a car driver drives at over 180 km/h on a 50 km/h road or even on a major highway, won’t he be more likely to have an accident than if the same driver drives cautiously (at 80 or 90 km/h) with his car? Isn’t it logical to think this way?

It is, today, in our societies, unfortunately normal for politicians of our generation, that they attack each other – even if we never elevate ourselves by lowering others -, but should this not be done, despite everything, with a certain decency? With a certain reserve? I would go so far as to say with a certain respect? […]

In the circumstances, is it not, to a certain extent, “normal” that this man, by his repeated insults so harsh, so vulgar and so mean towards his adversaries, “attracted” these gunshots?

He who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind, right? Should a person who sows trouble (January 6, 2021), and does so repeatedly, be surprised to suffer the consequences one day or another?

If we still had “decency” classes in school, which taught us, among other things, to give up our seat on the bus to a pregnant woman, would we learn, in these decency classes, how to behave, how to speak to each other, as this former president does in his speeches and press briefings?

By behaving as he does, is he setting a good example for our growing youth? For our young people today?

Obviously, the same thing could happen to Mr. Biden, but aren’t the possibilities of it happening more predictable, the probability greater in someone who behaves with such aggression towards his opponents?

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