The actress assures, in a message published on Facebook, that she would be “embarrassed at the corners” to perceive this stamp coming from a company which “destroys jobs in small business and all the social life that goes with it”.
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Blanche Gardin pays Jeff Bezos. In a message published Thursday April 20 on Facebook, the actress explained why she refused the sum of 200,000 euros to participate in the new season of the show “LOL: who laughs comes out” broadcast on Amazon Prime, the platform of the American giant Amazon, founded by the billionaire. “ I understood that it was only a single day of shooting, only here, that day, I have a dentist. And, as the third richest person in the world, you know, it takes good, long teeth to succeed in this world.”she first justified.
A “maddening sum” for 8 hours of work
Touching this stamp when the charity she would represent would win 50,000 euros, only in case of victory, would embarrass her “in the armpits (not to say that it would really hurt my ass)”. She would be embarrassed to touch, “for 8 hours of work, this maddening sum”from the giant who “do not pay taxes in France”, “which emits 55.8 million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year”, “which uses labor from Uyghur concentration camps”, “which destroys the jobs of small trade and all the social life that goes with it”and which creates jobs “exhausting”, “by destroying others”. She also argues that she prefers to devote herself to projects intended for dark rooms.
“I do not want that in ten years no one will go to the cinema and that we will all be watching series on the sofa by having burgers delivered by undocumented immigrants pedaling in the rain .”
Blanche Gardin, actresson Facebook
She ends by assuring that she is willing to reconsider the proposal, if Jeff Bezos, reading his message, “[tombe] clouds or space” and crave “rethink completely [son] business”.