who is Tucker Carlson, the Trumpist star presenter, sacked by Fox News 18 months before the American presidential election?

The intruder of the news gives each evening a spotlight on a personality who could have passed under the radars of the news.

Tucker Carlson had been Fox News’ controversial Trumpist anchor since 2016. A great promoter of conspiracy theories, he was a hit every evening, attracting an average of 3.2 million viewers. He had ardently defended the rioters who had invaded the Capitol to protest against the election of Joe Biden. His eviction occurs in a particular context. A week ago, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News agreed to pay electronic voting machine maker Dominion nearly $800 million to avoid a libel suit. Dominion accused on Fox News of having arranged the election of Joe Biden in 2020. In passing, the procedure had revealed messages in which Tucker Carlson set fire to his own channel and his boss, Rupert Murdoch.

No chance to say goodbye

Monday, April 24, he was therefore dismissed by a press release, without the possibility of saying goodbye. There is one who was very sorry on Tuesday morning, it was Donald Trump on News Max, another conservative channel of his friend Christopher Ruddy. “I am shocked, surprised, assures Donald Trump.

“He was a great person, and a very good man, talented, very appreciated. I don’t know if it’s a voluntary departure or if he was fired. But he was great especially with me during this last year !”

Donald Trump reacting to the ousting of Tucker Carlson

on News Max

It must be said that at the time of Donald Trump’s indictment a few weeks ago, he had received it and denounced a “a political purge” while telling him, “this is probably not the best time to part with your AR-15 assault rifle”.

Tucker Carlson will be 54 in a few days. The least we can say is that in his shows it stirs, it even screams often, sometimes with laughter! The man was born into a very wealthy family in California to a father, Dick Carlson, United States Ambassador to Seychelles and then a journalist. On the other hand, he knew very little about his mother, an artist who left to settle in France when he was 6 years old. His father remarried an heiress from the agri-food sector: so a big fortune. It is said that on leaving university, Tucker Carlson tries unsuccessfully to join the CIA and finally becomes a journalist. He first officiated in the written press on, then CNN in 2000 alongside Robert Novak, before landing on MSNBC from 2005 to 2008. Already a star, he participated in the program Dancing with the Stars on ABC in 2006. 2009, he arrived at Fox News before getting this daily one-hour show in 2016: the Tucker Carlson tonight.

Anti-vax, anti-masks, against abortion and for carrying weapons

Editorially speaking, its positioning is always quite clear and assumed! On Joe Biden’s inauguration day, he compares the Democrats to truffle dogs by making the noise of the pig. He is against abortion, defends the carrying of weapons, during the covid period, he is antivax and anti-masks. On his site, he presents himself as “the sworn enemy of lies”promising to “to ask the questions people are asking – and to demand answers”. In any case, he rarely goes into nuance. Especially when he decides to dismiss a female guest who annoys him. “Ok, we’ll stop there, you should stick to high heels, you’re better for that”, launches in one of his shows Tucker Carlson. This leaves no one indifferent. We love it or we hate it, as evidenced by these Americans interviewed by a team from France Info channel 27. “He’s got a lot of charisma, he’s direct and doesn’t hide the truth…He’s a horrible misogynistic pig, he’s the devil incarnate.”

Tucker Carlson has never taken the step of politics but before knowing that Donald Trump would run again, some voices imagined him to be the conservative candidate for 2024. With his uninhibited positions on the “great replacement” of a supplanted white population by an immigrant population. And the same positions as the former President on international issues, the same support for Russia in particular. Economically, for Fox News, it’s a risky bet, the action lost more than 4% on Wall Street Tuesday afternoon. For the conservative camp, either, this dismissal is not good news. Among the many reactions including in France on Twitter, Florian Philippot posted this: “Three days ago Tucker Carlson denounced on Fox news the corruption of the media and governments by the labs. All the crap of covidists has been imposed on the people. Since then: fired! They can do what they want, it’s too late, the truth will take them all!”

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