Who is this famous animator who appears as a child on Instagram? “At that time, I was unbearable”

Last May, he celebrated his 40th birthday, surrounded by his wife and two children, Abbie and Isaac. Presenter of the morning of M Radio, he left television a few years ago after a very noticed passage on Dance with the starsas contestant and co-host… This is of course Vincent Ceruttiwho posted a cute photo of himself as a child on Instagram.

The companion of Hapsatou Sy, who must be around 10 years old on the picture, takes this photo out of his mother’s drawers. “Thank you mom for this found photo! At that time, how can I tell you that I was unbearable“, he wrote in the caption, rather joking. Internet users also loved the photo. “So cute“, “It shows through the photo“, “Oh too cute” can we read in the comments.

Some of her followers are also clamoring for the report cards and mocking her angelic look. For the moment, his wife Hapsatou Sy has not yet reacted to the publication, she who likes to make fun of him kindly or make beautiful declarations of love to him on Instagram. The two lovers, who met in 2015, had told of their crush…

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