WHO is sounding the alarm about obesity



France 3

Article written by

Y. Relat, M.-P Samitier B. Tardy, V. Diguat, R. Laurentin – France 3

France Televisions

On Wednesday May 4, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched an alert message to warn populations against a growing epidemic: obesity.

Marina Dupré is obese, but will undergo surgery to reduce her stomach. She is one of the first three patients of the Baria-Up program, launched in Lyon (Rhône). For five years, this support program, fully funded by health insurance, will follow the patients. Without follow-up, many operated patients regain weight within two years after the operation. “There is a weight loss which will be massive (…) but that is when things are going well”explains Bérénice Segrestin, endocrinologist.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity affects six out of ten adults in Europe. It affects 23% of the adult population, twice as many people as 40 years ago. In question, an overly sedentary lifestyle, the rise of fast food and ultra-processed products. Associations also want to overtax these harmful foods.

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