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Violent clashes took place between anti-basin demonstrators and the police in Saint-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), Saturday, March 25. Two days later, both sides blame each other.
Monday, March 27, in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), two days after the clashes between anti-basin demonstrators and the police, authorities and organizers continue to blame each other for the violence. In addition to the Molotov cocktails, on the spot the investigators seized a dozen knives, firework mortars, grenades. 47 gendarmes and 200 demonstrators were woundedSaturday, March 25.
Many injured
Some activists were surprised by how the face-off escalated. One of them testifies: “I was shot by the police. I took a disencirclement grenade in the eye. I am completely shocked by this state of war.” Monday, March 27, the government denounces a surge of violence from ultra-organized and determined attackers. The police are also implicated, accused by the organizers of having slowed down or even hindered the arrival of help. A thirty-year-old protester is still between life and death.