who is responsible for the bombing of a hospital in Gaza?



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – D. Schlienger, T. Abu Rahmeh, Y. Blombou

France Televisions

A hospital in Gaza was bombed on the evening of Tuesday October 17. Israel and Hamas blame each other.

Tuesday October 17, a hospital is on fire in the heart of Gaza. Who is responsible for this new disaster? “Everyone was asleep. Why did they do that?“, asks a woman. The moment of impact was filmed at 6:59 p.m. by Al-Jazeera cameras. A projectile appears to disintegrate in the air in the sky over Gaza. Six seconds later, an explosion rings out over ground and the Gaza hospital is affected.

Israel accuses Islamic Jihad

Hamas accuses Israel of having struck, which the Jewish state strongly denies. “Intelligence available to us from several sources indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket attack that hit the hospital in Gaza. assures Daniel Hagari, spokesperson for the Israeli army. The Israelis broadcast what they presented as a discussion between two Hamas members a few minutes after the tragedy. According to Israel, the fire caused the most damage. Islamic Jihad categorically denies being responsible.

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