who is Naïma Moutchou, the philippist vice-president of the National Assembly?

Parliament returns on Monday, October 3. The vice-president of the National Assembly Naïma Moutchou will be on the perch. Unknown to the general public, the 41-year-old woman quickly understood that presiding over debates between 577 deputies means learning the names (which she did) or knowing the 30 pages of the rules, even if it can be done help by the director of services seated behind her.

But that it is mainly played out in a few overflows that you have to know how to stop, like last July 28 in full crossfire between elected Renaissance, RN and LFI: the Insoumis deputy Arnaud Le Gall asks him to speak for what is called a “point of order” after being treated “Putin’s agent” by an elected official himself treated “German agent”.

“Dear colleague, this is not a point of order. There is no response to the speakers. On the other hand, in this hemicycle, there are only French elected representatives elected by the French people”, replies the vice-president from the perch. Prather proud of this sequence, Naïma Moutchou will share the video on her Twitter account.

“I was indirectly concerned”, she explains. And even directly since it comes from immigration. Two parents arrived from Morocco in 1961. Newlyweds aged 16 and 18, they will live with their first daughters in the basement of the Eaubonne hospital (Val-d’Oise) before obtaining an HLM. Naïma Moutchou is the sixth of six children. She was a business lawyer for ten years. She notably defended Arnaud Montebourg or Raquel Garrido.

Then, at the beginning of 2017, seduced by the cash side of Emmanuel Macron, she campaigned for the candidate. A few months later, she will learn from the press of her nomination for the legislative elections, well aware that the party La République en Marche did not make this choice solely for her talent.. “I am a woman and my name is Naïma Moutchou and so much the better! As such, I have a lot to say: I come from a popular background, I am the daughter of immigrants, I am a woman, I was a lawyer for ten years, I also have political sense”.

“I hope not to be summed up solely by my quality as a woman and my diversity, but these are things that I fully assume as well.”

Naima Moutchou


Above all, Naïma Moutchou does not want to be called a feminist mFrom the perch she confides that she always hears sexist comments, not necessarily about her but about other women. Moreover, it happened to him to warn certain deputies directly out of session.

Naïma Moutchou explains that she was looking for a political family, “not a business”. Rather ambitious, she would have been drowned in the mass when there, she had seen Edouard Philippe several times at Matignon as a referent En Marche at the Law Commission. Winning bet: she finds herself head of the “idea center” of Horizons and now Vice President of the National Assembly.

Politically, it is said to be more center-right. No question of joining Les Républicains, even if she voted for Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, which she wants “order in the streets and in the accounts” and also reform pensions.

>>> Pension reform: the executive’s plan to have a text adopted “before the end of winter”

In this new school year, she is therefore well aware that things are going to rock. “All is to be understood. Everything is instrumentalized. I saw it well as vice-president at the perch, the noise can come from any subject. The budget will certainly change to 49.3. It is not pleasant but in the event of blocking, it is necessary to unblock. I was not re-elected to be in a five-year term where nothing will be done. So we have to go.”

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