Who is Mourad Boudjellal, Macron’s supporter who has just been fired from a major radio station?

He will not vote for Marine Le Pen on April 24 and wanted to let it be known. Indeed, the former president of Racing Club de Toulon, an emblematic rugby club, Mourad Boudjellal, was present last weekend in Marseille to speak during Emmanuel Macron’s big meeting. If the club from the south of France was already well known and had a huge track record before he took the reins, Mourad Boudjellal still allowed it to go back to the Top 14 and garner new titles before leaving. his duties in 2020.

During Emmanuel Macron’s meeting, the businessman and sports leader indulged in a sentence that caused a strong reaction on the Web and in the media. “If you think origins affect ability, you’re racist. […] To all those who vote National Front (sic), if you think it has to do with the origin, you are racist”he dropped to point the finger at the voters of Marine Le Pen whom he describes as “racist”.

The exit that cost him his place

Following this “misconduct”, Benjamin Cauchy, former chronicler of big mouths, took the floor. He was dismissed some time ago after showing his support for Eric Zemmour. He was therefore surprised that the management of the big mouths does not make the same decision as in his case. “I remember being suspended from the Grandes gueules antenna because ‘close to Zemmour’. When I hear Boudjellal, I see that radio partisanship is variable”he regretted on Twitter.

A tweet to which he very quickly got a response from the show’s official account.RMC. “The rule is the same for everyone. The Grandes Gueules, as soon as support is announced, are discarded. Same treatment for Charles Consigny (who took part in Valérie Pécresse’s campaign, editor’s note), Willy Schraen (president of the national federation of hunters, editor’s note), Mourad Boudjellal and you. Official support = speaking time counted down”let him know the Twitter account of the big mouths. In fact, Mourad Boudjellal is therefore temporarily removed from the show after showing his support for Emmanuel Macron, and no one knows when he will be able to return.

See also: When Emmanuel Macron dares to joke about the age of his wife, Brigitte Macron!


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