who is Louis Boyard, the young LFI deputy at the heart of the violent pass with Cyril Hanouna?

Within two months, we could have presented Louis Boyard as the youngest deputy in the Assembly and even in history. In reality he is only the second behind the Polynesian Temataï Le Gayic. They were elected at 21 both years, in June 2022, Louis Boyard with the label La France insoumise.

It was as a deputy that he was invited to the program “Touche pas à mon poste” (TPMP) on Thursday November 10, initially to talk about a bill on student precariousness that he will bring on November 24. november. The news ofocean viking changed the agenda. He obviously knew where he was stepping, being himself a former member of the Hanouna gang, formerly paid by C8, Vincent Bolloré’s channel. That does not prevent him from criticizing the owner of the place on his presumed responsibility for deforestation in Africa. Cyril Hanouna comes out of his hinges. Louis Boyard invokes freedom of expression, the respect due to a deputy and it explodes.

“You are a guy who raises racism”still accuses Cyril Hanouna. “Ah yeah? Well, it’s not me who makes me money on Zemmour”replies the deputy before leaving the set, under the whistles.

The short public life of Louis Boyard, since he is only 22 years old, has the merit of clarity. From his commitment to high school in Val-de-Marne, we understand where he is going
Louis Boyard was born in 2000, in Vendée. Son of a railway worker, and an English mother who works at Samsung. But he therefore grew up in the Paris region. In November 2017, in the first year, he was a union representative for the Union Nationale Lycée (UNL) when his Georges Brassens high school in Villeneuve-le-Roi was blocked for asbestos problems. The following year in 2018, it is already as president of the UNL, that he goes to the front against Parcoursup and against the reform of the baccalaureate.

We also see him in the demonstrations of yellow vests in early 2019. There, he is a law student at the University of Assas. During act 12 of the yellow vests, he was evacuated by the emergency services. He invokes a shot from LBD, receives support from Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He tweets that his foot is broken, that the skin reacts very badly, and to the attention of Christophe Castaner, then Minister of the Interior, he writes: “I am 18 years old, convinced non-violent, I hope you will recognize your fault.” Photos of the blued foot will follow.

At the start of the academic year in October, he was elected to the academic council of the university. And throughout the Covid-19, he is on the front line to defend the student cause in the health crisis. This is what earned him to be spotted and recruited by Cyril Hanouna for his show TPMP. The host also saw him sometimes at “Grandes Gueules” on RMC Story. The beginnings at Hanouna are quite sensational. Premiere on August 31, 2021, with Didier Raoult as guest. The next day, he tells on the air that he sold drugs to pay for his studies. At the beginning of this year, he was invested by La France insoumise, at home, in the Val-de-Marne. He stopped the show and his studies after beating the outgoing Macronist deputy, Laurent Saint Martin, with 52.52% of the vote.

In the Assembly, he stood out from the opening session on 28 June. Being one of the youngest, he is appointed office secretary for the election to the roost. He shakes the hand of all those who come to deposit their ballot in the ballot box, except that of the deputies of the National Rally. “Barrier gesture against the far right”, ironically the young elected rebellious. The regulars of the room of the 4 columns will tell you that he is on the lookout for the microphones, that we hear him coming from afar. On Friday, perhaps for the first time, he made me answer that he was observing silence, “to calm things down”. Apart from a press release denouncing “intimidation” and “censorship”not a word, until his press conference Monday at 3 p.m. at the Assembly.

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