Who is FCGB’s new shirt partner?

Cœur Marine et Blanc or the social responsibility of the FCGB.

The Cœur Marine et Blanc endowment fund and therefore came to replace Winamax on the Girondins de Bordeaux jersey. But what are the missions of this endowment fund? Its general delegate, Sylvie Pépin explains that if the Girondins de Bordeaux have already structured a CSR (corporate social responsibility) program for several years, the Cœur Marine et Blanc endowment fund is the legal structure set up in March 2020, providing a framework to financially support this program on specific themes such as social inclusion, childhood and health in particular.

The FCGB Women mobilized against breast cancer

The example of health is telling. The professional players of FCGB Women participated in many actions during Pink October, breast cancer prevention month. The women’s team is very committed to themes that perhaps speak to them a little more, but despite everything, they are always very willing to support the actions that are carried out by the fund, especially for children, testifies Sylvie Pépin who quotes as an example an agreement between the FCGB Women and the stethoscope clowns who travel to hospitals. They are always very demanding and very willing to support the actions that we can carry out, says the CEO of the endowment fund.

A moment of sharing between Rémi and Jimmy Briand during Bordeaux Strasbourg.

The boys are no exception. Last Sunday during the Bordeaux Strasbourg match, Jimmy Briand came to hang out and hand over a jersey to Remi who, at the age of 11, has been waiting for a heart transplant for almost a year in his hospital room in Haut-Lévêque, at the Bordeaux University Hospital. The idea was to offer him to forget for a few hours this hospital daily life and to share this moment with his family, his parents, his grandparents and his sister but it was also an opportunity to be able to communicate and relaying a strong message on pediatric organ donation in coordination with the association the links of the heart testifies Sylvie Pépin.

A partnership agreement signed with the Bordeaux Foot Armchair

Jérôme Poitreau, volunteer President of the Bordeaux Foot Armchair and the Departmental Handisport Committee of Gironde, welcomes this signature which comes to formalize the exchanges maintained with the FCGB and particularly Sylvie Pépin for several months or even years. Electric wheelchair football has existed in France since the early 90s and is the only team sport accessible to people with so-called heavy disabilities. It is played on a 4-on-4 basketball court, a goalkeeper and three outfield players. The club receives help from the city of Cenon but has to fight daily to find rooms for training, to store equipment because the players use specific chairs, different from the one that allows them to move around on a daily basis, which take the place. These chairs are made in the United States, are electric, very bulky and cost around 13,000 euros per chair. It was Jérôme Poitreau who created the club in 1996 when he was a student because he wanted with his best friend to participate in the French championship and in the absence of a club in Bordeaux, they decided to create their own association. The Bordeaux Foot Armchair evolves in the third division and aims for the climb which should be played out this season between Limoges, Paris and Bordeaux. A goal that we hope will be achieved at the end of the season with the support of the Cœur Marine et Blanc endowment fund.

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