Who is Amalia from the Netherlands, this 17-year-old princess who is “not ready to be queen”?

Twenty years after first legalizing gay marriage, the Netherlands decided that their next monarch would no longer have to abdicate if he or she decided to marry a person of the same sex. And if the law is now more flexible for the young crown princess of 17 years, Amalia, the latter is no more in a hurry to ascend the throne …

A princess like no other

She who has already given up receiving her annual pension before the day when she can really deserve it is engaged this week in an authorized biography. To the biographer Claudia de Breij, the big sister of Alexia, 16, and Ariane, 14, who is currently a student, confides that she is not yet ready to be queen. In the event that her dad, Willem-Alexander, 54, leaves prematurely, she announces that she will ask her mum, Maxima, 50, to rule.

That’s why she admits: “I told my dad: keep eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise“. Currently, Amalia works as a waitress in a cafe near the beach, during her studies at the Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet, in The Hague. She who would have liked to be a singer or a date if she did not have a clear future. , reveals that she is very embarrassed every time you recognize her.

Will she hand it over?

Next year, she plans to work in a “multinational organization” before potentially pursuing studies at the prestigious University of Leiden. Perhaps by then she will be less favorable to the abolition of the monarchy …

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