WHO does not predict a monkeypox pandemic, but questions remain

There will be no monkeypox pandemic, the World Health Organization’s leading expert predicted on Monday, but several questions remain unanswered, including exactly how the disease spreads and whether vaccines developed against smallpox several decades ago could inadvertently accelerate its transmission.

In a public hearing on Monday, Dr. Rosamund Lewis said it is essential to remember that the vast majority of cases detected in dozens of countries have been in gay or bisexual men, so that that scientists can study the issue more thoroughly and that at-risk populations can take precautions.

“It’s very important to describe it because it appears to be an increase in a mode of transmission that may have been underrecognized in the past,” Dr. Lewis said.

Despite everything, she warned that everyone is potentially at risk of the disease, regardless of their sexual orientation. Other experts have pointed out that the disease may have been detected in gay and bisexual men for the first time by chance, and could spread to other groups if left unchecked. To date, says the WHO, more than 250 cases have been identified in 23 countries where monkeypox had previously never been spotted.

Dr Lewis admitted that it is not known whether monkeypox is transmitted during sexual activity or through close contact during sexual activity. It assures that the risk for the general population is “low”.

“It is not yet known whether this virus is exploiting a new mode of transmission, but it is clear that it continues to exploit its well-known mode of transmission, which is close physical contact,” she said.

Monkeypox has been known to be spread through close physical contact with the infected person, their clothing or bedding.

She also warns that we see, in current cases, a higher proportion of people with fewer lesions that are more concentrated in the genital area, and sometimes impossible to see.

“You may have these lesions for two or four weeks (and) they may not be visible to others, but you could still be contagious,” Dr Lewis warned.

Last week, a WHO adviser said outbreaks in Europe, the United States, Australia and elsewhere are likely linked to sexual activity at two parties in Spain and Belgium.

Most victims of monkeypox experience fever, body aches, chills, and fatigue. The most severe cases develop sores on the face and hands that can spread to other parts of the body. No deaths are currently reported.

Dr Lewis said that while previous outbreaks of monkeypox in West and Central Africa have been relatively contained, it is unclear if asymptomatic victims could spread the disease or if the disease could be transmitted through the air. , such as measles or COVID-19.

Monkeypox is related to smallpox, but its symptoms are milder. After the eradication of smallpox in 1980, countries discontinued their mass vaccination programs. Experts believe this could contribute to the spread of monkeypox, since the population now has little immunity against similar diseases. Smallpox vaccines also protect against monkeypox.

Dr Lewis said it would be “a pity” if monkeypox could exploit the “immune vacuum” left by smallpox 40 years ago. She assured that it is still possible to prevent monkeypox from taking hold in new areas.

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